Afro-Deutsch: Wie sehe ich mich?
Zu Gast in Accra, Ghana:
John Amoateng Kantara & Mo Asumang
Filmreihe und Diskussionen
15.09 – 18.09.08
Du Bois Centre
+233 21 776764
15.09 – 18.09.08
Du Bois Centre
+233 21 776764

Das Goethe-Institut und das W.E.B Du Bois Center für Pan-Afrikanische Kultur veranstaltet nach der erfolgreichen Programmserie „Afro-Germans – Embracing Two Worlds“ im letzten Jahr (2007) in Zusammenarbeit mit dem SFD (Schwarze Filmschaffende in Deutschland), eine Filmreihe „Afro-Deutsch – Wie sehe ich mich?“
The Daily Graphic, Ghana´s foremost quality Newspaper wrote:
By Kouame Koulibaly
Two Afro-German filmmakers, John Amoateng Kantara and Mo Asumang, will be in Accra for this year´s Afro-German – How do I see myself? film series.
And we were Germans by John Amoateng Kantara will be screened on Monday. The film documents a reunion between two old school friends, Afro-German Hans-Jürgen Massaquoi and Jewish Ralph Giordano, who, hidden in Hamburg, survived the Holocaust and the Second world war. The discussion after the film will be led by the Director John Amoateng Kantara and Prof. Anne Adams of the Du Bois Centre.
A film by Mo Asumang, Roots Germania, will be shown on Tuesday. The film traces how Mo is able to tackle Nazi venom against her by turning it into a katalyst for a journey through Germany, England and Ghana. Driven by her disire to overcome her fears, Mo met with Nazi Celebrity Juergen Rieger, and was even at a point surrounded by 3000 neo-Nazis.
On her search for Identity, Mo even follows the advice of the neo-Nazis to „Go back where you came from!“ That landed her in Ghana where she discovers a long-forgotten conection between Germany and Ghana. A vibrant personaity, Mo Asumang, has been successful as a moderator, producer, director and actress.“
Film und Diskussion
Dienstag, 16. Sept. 2008, 18.30
(Deutschland/Ghana 2007, 76 min) von Mo Asumang
Filme und Podiumsdiskussion
Donnerstag, 18. Sept. 2008, 18.30
„Und wir waren Deutsche“ (1999) von John A. Kantara und „Landing“ (1995) von Branwen Okpako
Sorry for that late response – I´ll try !